TTWA Affiliated Clubs
Below is a list of TTWA Affiliated clubs.
Please contact the club directly if you would like to play at a club or become a member of that club (please note that club membership is separate from TTWA membership).
For information on becoming an affiliated club, click here to go to the Information for Clubs page.
Black Swan Table Tennis Club
Tony: 0408 336 506
3/14 Mandarin Road, Maddington
Social Sessions:
Friday: 10am to Midday
Monday to Friday: From 7pm
Saturday: 10am- 12 noon
Sunday: 2pm - 5pm
Denmark Table Tennis Club
(08) 9848 0344
McLean Park Brazier Street, Denmark Western Australia 6333
Weekly Social Sessions
Monday DRC Session: from 10 am
Wednesday Social Session: from 6-8 pm
Esperance Table Tennis Club
0447 205 573
Esperance Scout Hall - The Esplanade, Esperance
Social Session
Thursday from 9am
Great Wall Table Tennis Club
Sunday Social Session 5.30-10pm
TTWA, 12 Gerard St, East Victoria Park
Social session is $10. Group coaching is an additioanl $8 ($18 for both).
On the day, informal competitions will be organised with results going to Ratings Central.
Contact: Alvin
M: 0415 889 68
Hammond Table Tennis Club
0433 022 228
Yangebup Community Centre - 20 Swallow Dr, Yangebup
Social Session
Saturday 2:00pm - 4:30pm
Melville Seniors Table Tennis Group
Other clubs
OVER 50s Clubs
Cockburn Seniors Centre, 9 Coleville Crescent, Spearwood
Mob: 04 2149 9027
Addie Mills Centre
55Years Plus Program
Ph: (08) 9391 6030
QUINNS ROCK (Over 40’s)
Gumblossom Hall, Tapping Way, Quinns Rock
Mon 10 am - 1 pm, Thurs 7 pm - 10pm
Ph: 0417090642
Dalkeith Hall, 97 Waratah Avenue, Dalkeith
Tuesday 10.15 am to 12.15 pm, Friday 11 am to 1 pm
Ph: (08) 9386 6170
Loftus Community Centre, Loftus Street, Leederville
Tuesday 9.30am to 12.00pm
Contact Tony Gablinez on 0497 270 089 or
Scarborough Table Tennis Club

173 Gildercliffe St, Scarborough
Social Sessions (please enquire about membership first)
Thursday evenings and Sunday mornings

Sun Table Tennis Club
Willetton Basketball Stadium, 58 Burrendah Blvd, Willetton
Social session: Saturday 7pm -10pm
Swans Table Tennis Club
0429 996 283
Brown Park Recreation Centre, 116 Salisbury Rd, Swan View
Social Session
Friday: 8pm